Experiments in Eco-Processing

Blog 2017 December

December 12, 2017

This week I am focused on carrots, a root vegetable and in ample supply this time of year. I picked up a 5-pound bag for four dollars at the farmers market. The carrots were large, gnarly, and not very tasty, but perhaps good for developing I thought. The results were not that stellar. These carrots did not hold promising results, but perhaps they needed to be fresher.

December 17, 2017

Worked on making my light box this week and conducted a camera test this week trying out a few settings with the Canon Super 8mm 1014 XLS. The standard caffenol recipe with the reversal consistently works like a dream!

December 29, 2017

All the nuts come out for the holidays, perfect for filming! It was a busy week in the kitchen, boiling down different plants and letting them steep, sometimes with beautiful aromas and sometimes a little intense...like onion. My goal is to use these "teas" as developers and tints. I also found a beautiful dragon fruit!